Processing of complaints

The Danish Immigration Service is the board of appeal in just a few areas, e.g. on specific cases regarding short time visa. In order to process an appeal, we collect and process personal data. 
Your complaint will include personal data about you, and the personal data will typically be obtained from the authority with which your complaint is concerned.

Purpose and legal basis

Your personal data in appeals are collected in order for us to process and make a decision in the case.

The legal basis for processing the personal data is based on a legal obligation, see Article 6(1)(c) and Article 9(2)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, and section 8 of the Data Protection Act in relation to the performance of the Immigration Service' tasks.

Data being processed

We process both general and sensitive personal data about the person with whom the complaint is concerned, and we may also receive information about any criminal convictions or offences.

We may also process information about your name and address, but also about your ethnic origin and religious beliefs.

Recipients of personal data

Depending on the circumstances, we may disclose personal data to other public authorities, including:

The Ministry of Immigration and Integration’s, the Immigration Appeals Board, the Refugee Appeals Board, other ministries and subordinate authorities, local authorities, police authorities, Danish missions abroad (embassies, etc.), the Danish Parliament, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Legal Adviser to the Danish Government, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, the Danish Defense Intelligence Service, the Danish National ID Centre, the Agency for International Recruitment and Integration, and other EU Member States.

Storage of your data

Appeals are registered with a reference number in our electronic case and document management system. We file documents with personal data in accordance with the rules set out in the Access to Public Administration Files Act, and we hand them over to the state archival authorities in accordance with the rules set out in the legislation on archives (approximately every five years).

After this, we will make a specific assessment of whether we need to retain a copy of the cases. This assessment will take into account whether the appeal may be likely to form part of future cases, such as in connection with requests for renewed consideration, etc. If the Danish Immigration Service does not have an administrative need to retain a copy of the cases, they will be erased.